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Plainfield Workers’ Compensation Lawyer

If you’ve been injured on-the-job in Illinois and are currently unable to work while you recover, it’s important to understand your workers’ compensation rights and eligibility. It can be overwhelming to handle filing a claim when you’re suffering physically, which is why we recommend working with a Plainfield workers’ compensation lawyer.

At Schweickert Ganassin Krzak Rundio, LLP, we represent work injury victims all over Illinois. If you need to file a workers’ comp claim or you have filed and feel as though your benefits are not what they should be, we can examine your situation and help you determine how best to proceed based on your unique circumstances.

Filing a claim takes time and it’s important to have a comprehensive understanding of the laws that apply to your application and how they could affect your compensation eligibility. To get started, let’s take a look at work injuries in Plainfield.

Work Injuries in Plainfield

Approximately two-thirds of employment positions in Plainfield are in white-collar fields like management and sales. The remaining 33% of jobs are in services or are considered blue-collar, like farming, construction, production, and transportation.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, one of the most dangerous professions to work in is construction. Nearly 7.5% of those employed in Plainfield work in construction—which includes the buildings, infrastructure, and industrial sectors. Those who work construction are most at risk of falling, getting electrocuted, being in an automotive accident, or being crushed by an object.

You may think that workers’ comp claims are uncommon in Plainfield because of where the majority of people work. This, however, is not the case. While those who work in offices may be less likely to get electrocuted, for example, they are at risk of repetitive motion injuries, which temporarily or permanently injure muscles, nerves, ligaments, or tendons.

If you’ve been injured at your place of employment in or around Plainfield, you deserve fair workers’ comp benefits. Our attorneys can determine what you’re eligible for and see that you receive the proper compensation.

Common Workplace Injury Events

According to the National Safety Council, a worker is injured on the job every seven seconds. This means that there are over 4,600,000 injuries every year. The most common injuries that keep workers home for any period of time include sprains, strains, or tears, soreness or pain, and cuts, lacerations or punctures.  Individuals also receive more severe injuries at work, including broken bones, spinal cord injuries and other catastrophic injuries.

If you work in the service industry, transportation and shipping, manufacturing or production, installation, maintenance, and repair, or construction, you are more at risk for sustaining an injury while at work. It’s important to be aware of the most common accident situations and injuries so you can take proper measures to avoid getting hurt.

More than one-third of all work injuries are the result of overexertion—which refers to lifting or lowering objects that are too heavy or repetitively lifting and lowering objects. When employees are assigned tasks that involve exertion, it’s important to avoid bending, reaching, and twisting when lifting. Workers should also take frequent, short breaks.

The second most common workplace injury event, accounting for 26% of injuries, is contact with objects and equipment. This includes getting struck by or against an object or equipment, getting caught in or compressed by equipment, and getting caught or crushed in collapsing structures. To avoid situations like this, employers should ensure heavy objects are stored close to the floor, employees are aware of moving equipment, and proper personal protective equipment is available.

Accounting for 25.6% of workplace accidents, slips, trips, and falls have the potential to result in head trauma, spinal cord injuries, or broken bones. Falls can happen on the same level a worker is on, or they can fall to a lower level. It’s important to the base of ladders to be placed on an even, solid surface. Workers should also be encouraged to use good housekeeping practices.

No matter what type of accident you were in, it’s likely you’re eligible for compensation if the incident happened within the scope of your employment and while you were working. Let’s take a look at the benefits you may be eligible for.

Workers’ Compensation and Disability Benefits in Illinois

When you’re injured on the job, it’s important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Once you have an official diagnosis and treatment plan, you’ll be able to provide that information to your employer and your injury will be classified accordingly.

In Illinois, the workers’ compensation system provides injured workers with compensation for medical expenses, vocational rehabilitation, and disability benefits. Potential disability benefits include the following:

  • Temporary Partial Disability. Temporary Partial Disability benefits are available to injured employees who are working light duty and earning less than they would be earning in the full capacity of their job. The benefits are typically available while the injured worker is still actively treating their injuries and are equal to two-thirds of the difference between their average pre-injury earnings and current earnings.
  • Temporary Total Disability. In the event an employee is unable to work at all because of an injury on a temporary basis, they may be eligible for Temporary Total Disability benefits. The amount varies from person to person because it’s based on income. In general, however, the benefits should equal two-thirds of the average weekly wage.
  • Permanent Partial Disability. If a worker loses the use, or partial use, of a body part and is unable to do the same thing they could do before their injury, they have a right to permanent disability rights. Permanent Partial Disability benefits are calculated using one of four methods, depending on the circumstances. Those methods include wage differential, scheduled injury, percentage of loss of a person as a whole, and disfigurement.
  • Permanent Total Disability. When an injury is so severe it renders a person unable to work at all, Permanent Total Disability benefits are available. Workers who fall under this category are eligible for a lifetime of weekly benefits equating to two-thirds their average weekly wage.

Understanding workers’ compensation and disability laws can be overwhelming when you’re trying to focus on recovery from injuries. That’s why our lawyers are dedicated to providing you with the legal representation you need to understand your rights and focus on healing while receiving the compensation you’re entitled to.

Helping Injured Workers in Plainfield 

When you work with Schweickert Ganassin Krzak Rundio, LLP, a Plainfield workers’ compensation lawyer will ensure you receive the benefits you deserve after an injury at work. We understand the physical challenges of work-related injuries, as well as the emotional trauma associated with being unable to work—even if only for a short time. As such, we have the skills and resources to fight for your right to full benefits.

While you have the right to handle a workers’ compensation claim on your own, it’s important to understand that it’s unlikely your employer and their insurance company are on your side. In the event you accidentally jeopardize your claim, you could be looking at receiving fewer benefits than what you are rightfully owed.

Once you’ve contacted our law firm and have explained your situation, we can begin working on your case and determining what you’re eligible for. While you focus on recovering physically, we’ll handle the workers’ comp paperwork to ensure you receive what you need to secure your financial future. Contact us today for a free, no obligation consultation to learn more.

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