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What to Do if You Can’t Return to Work

We Fight to Protect Your Rights After a Workplace Injury

Workers’ compensation is set up to pay your medical expenses and some of your lost wages until you are able to return to work. But what if your injuries leave you unable to return to the same job? The experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at Schweickert Ganassin Krzak Rundio, LLP can help you with your claim to ensure you get all of the benefits you deserve.

Under the workers’ compensation laws of Illinois, if an on-the-job injury leaves you unable to return to your old job, your employer may offer you another one. If that job pays less than your old one, you can receive benefits totaling 2/3 the difference in pay.

But your employer is under no obligation to find other work for you. If a job can’t be found for you in the same organization, your employer is required to pay for vocational rehabilitation. The goal is to help you find a new job that is as close in pay to your previous job as possible.

If you receive vocational rehabilitation, you are eligible for services that include:

  • Evaluation: A vocational counselor will meet with you to assess your skills, qualifications, interests and abilities. Based on this evaluation, the counselor will develop a plan to get you working again at a new job.
  • Job Training or Education: The plan to get you a new job may involve gaining new skills and knowledge. You may need vocational training or college classes.
  • Job Placement: After any training or education that is needed, the next step is to match you with a job. The vocational counselor will help you identify openings and opportunities that match your new career goals, and connect you with resources that may help in your job search.

But remember, your previous employer and the insurance company are not on your side. They want to stop paying you as soon as possible, and don’t have your best interests in mind. That’s why you need an experienced workers’ compensation attorney to help you get the best outcome from vocational rehabilitation, one that lands you in a good-paying job that matches your interests and skills. If you have questions about your workers’ compensation claim and vocational rehabilitation, contact us today.

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