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Peru Fatal Work Accident Lawyer

Work-related accidents happen regularly in Illinois, leaving many workers with serious injuries. Sometimes, those injuries are fatal. Under state law, families are eligible to receive certain benefits. The experienced Peru fatal work accident lawyers at Schweickert Ganassin Krzak Rundio, LLP, help grieving families of workers who have lost their lives.

A fatal accident may have resulted in instant loss of life, or your loved one may have passed away after some time. Family members of workers in all types of jobs, in all types of industries, are eligible for benefits.

After a fatal work accident, families are left with an indescribable loss. They will never see their loved one again. And if the worker was a provider, they are left facing an uncertain financial future.

The Law Provides Some Assistance for You During a Challenging Time

Workers’ compensation benefits can help families maintain financial stability. Two immediate bills they may face include medical expenses to treat their loved one, as well as the costs of burial. Both of those expenses are covered under the workers’ compensation system in the state of Illinois.

In addition, eligible family members may be able to receive survivors’ benefits. These provide part of the income their loved one had been earning at work. It pays family members two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly wage in the year before the fatal accident.

When determining who receives survivors’ benefits, state law follows a specific order. The surviving spouse and minor children are the primary beneficiaries. Next, parents may be eligible to receive benefits, if they were economically dependent on the worker and the worker had no surviving spouse or minor children. In other cases, other family members who were at least 50 percent financially dependent on the worker may be eligible for benefits.

A surviving spouse can still collect benefits after remarrying, if the children are still under the age of 18. Otherwise, the surviving spouse is entitled to a one-time lump-sum payment of two years’ worth of compensation when remarrying.

Our Law Firm Will Stand Up for Your Family

It’s common for employers and insurance companies to try to reduce or even deny responsibility, even in cases of fatal work accidents. For example, they may claim the person was not actually on the job at the time of the accident. That’s why it’s important to have an experienced workers’ compensation attorney on your side.

Learn more about how we can help you and your family during this difficult time. Contact us for a free and confidential consultation.

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