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Under What Conditions Is Spine Fusion Surgery Required After a Truck Crash?

Published on Jul 30, 2024 at 2:56 pm in Truck Accidents.

Under what conditions is spine fusion surgery required after a truck crash?

In a collision between a semi-truck and a car, the truck will dominate. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, a semi-truck can outweigh a car by 30 times. Even a slight “tap” from a truck can result in a devasting accident that results in a car being totaled and the driver being severely injured. Under what conditions is spine fusion surgery required after a truck crash?

Understanding the Spine

Your spine acts like a guardian for the spinal cord. That is the network of nerves that transmit instructions from your brain to the rest of your body. According to a StatPearls study published by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), the spine is made up of 33 bones called vertebrae that are stacked on top of each other. Between each vertebra is a disc of soft-gel-like substance that acts as a cushion to prevent the bones from rubbing together as you stand, walk, run, or go about your business. The vertebrae are connected by ligaments, and tendons connect the muscles of the back.

Bottom line: There is a lot going on with your spine, and it only takes a minor misalignment to trigger major pain.

The Need for Spinal Fusion After a Truck Accident

When a car driver or passenger is struck with the brute force of a semi-truck, that jolt can cause a herniated disc, fractured vertebrae, or spinal cord injury. Even with seat belts and airbags, you can still suffer those devasting injuries. In extreme cases, spinal fusion might be required.

The medical name for spinal fusion is spondylosis or spondylosyndesis. In this procedure, two or more vertebrae are joined together to prevent the vertebrae from slipping out of alignment or rubbing together against the spinal cord.

The surgery involves a bone graft that is placed in the space between the two impacted vertebrae. That bone graft could come from the patient’s pelvic bone. It might also be extracted from a cadaver or come in the form of an artificial bone substitute. There might also be a need for metal plates, screws, or rods to provide extra support.

Keep in mind that an accident with a truck can result in multiple vertebrae fractures, which would necessitate multiple spinal fusion surgeries.

Recovery from Spinal Fusion Surgery

Spinal fusion surgery is considered an invasive procedure. That means surgeons will go into your body to complete the surgery. That also involves anesthesia, which can cause significant side effects when you come out of the surgery.

In the days after the surgery, you will experience a stiff back that prevents you from sitting or standing in the same position for extended periods of time. It could be around six weeks before you can get back to doing simple activities. If your job does not involve physical labor, you can return to work at this time. However, if your job does involve labor, it might be three to six months before you can return to work.

Additionally, you’ll be asked not to drive for up to four weeks after the surgery, and you can’t be a passenger for trips longer than 30 minutes at a time. You’ll also be encouraged to walk as exercise.

Risks Associated With This Type of Back Surgery

Spinal fusion is a common surgical procedure, but it is not without risks. The following are some of the risks every patient needs to consider:

  • Pain may not completely fade
  • Slower healing process
  • Fusion might not heal completely
  • Risk of infection
  • Nerve damage
  • Medical complications

Assessing the Damages

When the victim of a truck accident requires spinal fusion surgery, they are looking at a major disruption to their life. They are also looking at a significant break from work and possibly ongoing pain issues. That creates a need for compensation that would cover all the medical expenses related to the surgery, the lost wages, and the pain and suffering. The experienced team at Schweickert Ganassin Krzak Rundio, LLP can help assess the complete range of damages.

We have years of experience helping clients find a remedy for truck accidents. If we feel your case has merit, we can help you file an insurance claim or provide you with the information to proceed to a lawsuit. It all begins with a free consultation to discuss what happened and how it has impacted your life. Call to schedule that talk with our offices today.

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