Are Certain Dog Breeds More Prone to Biting Humans?
Dog bites are traumatic experiences that can cause significant injuries. When a dog bite occurs, many immediately think that the type of breed of the dog is responsible for the bite. While there may be some breeds that have higher bite rates, it’s important to remember that there isn’t one particular dangerous breed that everyone should avoid. There are many reasons why a dog may bite. If the dog feels threatened or provoked, it may be more likely to bite someone. Additionally, if an owner does not have control of his/her dog, then a bite is more likely to happen.
Regardless of why a dog bite happens, the results can include injuries and hospital bills. If you’ve suffered an injury because of a dog bite, you can seek compensation for your losses. The experienced lawyers from Schweickert Ganassin Krzak Rundio, LLP may be able to help you with your dog bite claim.
Are There Dog Breeds Prone to Biting?
The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) reported on a study that looked into the breeds that bite the most and which breeds have the most severe types of bites. At number one on the list, the study says “unknown.” The next dogs that were near the top of the list included pit bull, mixed breed, German shepherd, terrier, and rottweiler. The dogs at the bottom of the list were dalmatian, pointer, Great Dane, Pekingese, and Spitz.
There were many factors that went into making this list. The size of the wound, fractured bones, torn tissue, and other injuries were considered in the study from Ohio State University’s Wexner Medical Center. They analyzed bite severity looking at 15 years of dog bites that caused facial trauma in patients going to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio and the University of Virginia Health System. There were 240 patients who were treated for facial injuries from dog bites at these places.
The study wasn’t meant to pinpoint the most dangerous dog breed. The number one spot on the list is unknown, because the type of dog wasn’t always given. The study’s focus is to look at the injuries children have sustained and look for how often certain breeds bite and how severe those bites were. This can help families make an informed decision if they’re planning on getting a dog and have small children.
Since the type of dog wasn’t always known, factors like the dog’s head shape and weight provided more insight into dogs that will have a more severe bite. The study found that dogs were more likely to bite if they have short, wide heads and weigh between 66 and 100 pounds.
It’s important to note that all dog bites can be dangerous. While pit bulls and mixed breed dogs may have a higher frequency of biting, a bite from a breed that’s less likely to bite can still cause significant damage. This study doesn’t point to a group of dogs that people shouldn’t own—there are many reasons any dog may bite.
What Causes Bites?
It’s important for families to know that dogs don’t bite without reason. The dog’s past behavior, the owner’s behavior, and the behavior of the parents may factor into the incident. For example, if the dog was rescued and was abused, they may be nervous around other people. Owners should take measures to maintain control of the dog when they’re around others and take time to properly train the dog. If they know their dog needs space, they should warn others to prevent people from trying to pet their dog. Parents also need to instruct their children to ask owners before approaching their dog and respect their answer.
Young children may not have the coordination or awareness when they’re petting an animal, which could result in them pulling fur or the dog’s tail or stepping on a paw. The dog may bite out of fear, pain, or if they’re trying to protect themselves. Unfortunately, this can result in severe damage to a child.
Seeking Compensation After a Dog Bite
The aftermath of a dog bite incident can be difficult, especially when a child is injured. An injured individual or adult may need facial reconstructive surgery or suffer other injuries that will result in a long road to recovery. There’s also the emotional damage, which could result in fear of dogs when they see them in public or at someone’s house.
Filing a claim could strain your relationship with the dog owner but getting the health care you or your child needs is far more important. The dog owner has a responsibility for staying in control of their dog.
The Illinois personal injury lawyers at Schweickert, Ganassin, Krzak, Rundio will fight for you to get the compensation you need to help your child. Begin your case today and set up an obligation-free consultation.