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SGKR Donates to Local Food Pantries

Published on Jan 6, 2022 at 10:27 am in News.

Helping the community is one of our greatest ventures at Schweickert Ganassin Krzak Rundio, LLP. One of the ways we gave back to the community recently is through a donation to the Bureau County Food Pantry. During the Fall Food Haul, we promised to match donations, and now we’re donating $1,000 to the Bureau County Food Pantry to help community members in need.

This Food Pantry helps an average of 127 households or 315 individuals living in the cities of Bureau County every month. Their services support people who do not have the money to meet their most basic food needs and are in need of emergency food assistance.

We also made a $2,500 matching gift to the Illinois Valley Food Pantry as part of the Pack the Racks Food Drive. The Illinois Valley Food Pantry currently serves an average of 750 families in the cities of Lasalle County every month. They provide emergency food assistance to people in the community who lack employment, have insufficient income, are on food stamps or public aid but they’ve run out, or their resources have been depleted for the month for various reasons.

The people who come to this Food Pantry are better able to stretch their budgets for other necessary items because they don’t have to worry about their food budget as much because they have the support of the pantry. Our donation helps provide direct support to community members in need.

At Schweickert Ganassin Krzak Rundio, LLP, we are proud to make donations and gifts to organizations like these Food Pantries so that the people in need in our community are able to get the food and other supplies they need.

Our office is dedicated to helping the people of our community. Whether it’s through donations to local organizations or through supporting our clients, we want to make a difference. Reach out to our office with any questions you may have for our lawyers.

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