Important Announcement Regarding COVID-19
Our clients are very important to us. Therefore, we are taking the COVID-19 pandemic and the social distancing suggested by the CDC seriously. While our office remains open, we are encouraging our clients to communicate with us via telephone, email, fax or text rather than coming to the office. In order to assure that our office continues to function appropriately to give our clients continued service, each of our lawyers and staff have the capability to work remotely and will make arrangements for paperwork to be exchanged as efficiently as possible.
We encourage everyone to protect themselves, their loved ones and those who are most vulnerable. The best way to prevent the spread of this illness is to avoid being exposed to the virus by avoiding contact with individuals who are sick or who may have been exposed to the virus. You can also protect yourself by washing your hands and avoiding touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. For more information from the CDC on how to protect yourself, please visit the CDC website.